Rimpoche, Gehlek. Good Life, Good Death

Good Life, Good Death - Book Cover

Good Life, Good Death is a book about the Tibetan wisdom on reincarnation and living a better life. Gehlek Rimpoche writes it, and there is a foreword introduction by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This book shows the reader how to live; because only by living a decent life can one meet a good end. Rimpoche provides the groundwork that anyone can follow to improve his or her life to become a better person. It shows how we can transform the dying process into a process of enlightenment when the time comes.

In the UK, many millionaires and celebrities live a life of excess, whilst the rest of us are working to death and starving. Many of these celebrities and millionaires are morally and spiritually bankrupt, seeking solutions in drugs and alcohol. Certainly, in the West, the trend is to seek happiness outside oneself, through excessive consumerism. There comes a point when fast cars, and money no longer make them happy, and that is when they turn to drugs and alcohol.

This book shows how you can attain inner happiness. How you can reclaim this ability that you have always had, through living a simpler life. However, more importantly, it is only through living a better simpler life, can you meet a good end. This book shows that there is a better way to live. It shows how a life of compassion, and sharing, brings great benefits to those who practice it. This book also highlights the importance of forgiveness. There are many things beyond our control and it is better to forgive and keep walking. I found many of the ideas in this book very useful.

This book delves very deeply into the different stages of death and the afterlife, and explains to the reader their purpose. If you are interested in learning about what to expect at the time of death, then this book provides great insight. It reminded me very much of the stages described in the book Life after Life, however, the Bhuddists have been many thousands of years ahead in this field of research.

Back Cover

Back Cover Description

[Braille Monitors] It is what everyone wants to know: How do I survive death? Gehlek Rimpoche is the great-nephew of the 13th Dalai Lama and is one of the last reincarnated lamas alive who was fully educated in Tibet.

Speaking from 60 years of personal experience and study, he helps the reader examine four questions most often asked: Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? Moreover, how do we get there? He explores techniques that have worked over the course of 2,500 years. These techniques will teach how to take control of your life, your fears, for now and for the future. He writes about the physical reality of dying, the mental reality, when death actually occurs -- it is not when the heart and the brain stop -- and where we go after death, and how we can know ahead of time where we are going.

For the first time in English, he shares stories from great masters who have returned from death - not after a few minutes as in near-death experiences, but after days and even weeks. In helping us to understand the Buddhist mechanics of living and dying, Rimpoche shows us how to create a good life that will ultimately lead to a good death. Good life, Good Death is an inspiring work that gives extraordinary wisdom on life, death, and what comes after.

Gehlek Rimpoche

Gehlek Rimpoche

Nawang Gehlek Rimpoche is one the wisest, most cheerful people that I know. He is a beautiful and gracious spirit who carries the great wisdom of Tibet with him. Trained in Tibet by the same teachers who taught the Dalai Lama, Gehlek Rimpoche studied in Dharamshala with the Dalai Lama, before going on to Cornell University. He is a popular speaker and teaches students Buddhism all over the world. As an American Citizen, he lives in Ann Arbor and New York.


TitleGood Life, Good Death, Tibetan Wisdom on Reincarnation
AuthorGehlek Rimpoche
PublisherPenguin Group
ISBN Number0 718 13531 3
First Printed2001
Copyright HolderNawang Gehlek Rimpoche
Last Page Number184
Cover TypeHardback
Cover Price£12.99
AvailabilityAmazon and all good online bookstores